
Donald Joseph Qualls better known by his screen name DJ Qualls was born in the US. He is a producer, actor and model. After gaining acclaim for his character on Road Trip, he's appeared in more than 20 films. They include The New Guy Hustle & Flow, The Core and The New Guy Hustle & Flow. Apart from his appearances as a character in the film, Qualls has been featured in more than 22 television series such as Breaking Bad Supernatural Srubs Lost Law & Order and many more. Qualls has been diagnosed at age 14 with Hodgkin lymphoma is an incredibly strong fighter. The cancer had gone into remission within two years. However, the treatment at this early stage caused a significant impact on his body and thwarted his growth. At the time he started to take action, financial stability appeared to be his objective. He had been in poverty throughout his youth. In the wake of living in poverty for so long, I must have this level of financial safety. In the absence of it, everything seems out of my control. The man also thinks back on his childhood and hopes to address the issue of bullies. "Cruelty makes me cry," he said. He says that his ideal character would be a dad in both the real world and on film. Yet he confesses "Directors do not cast me in these roles." One day he'd love to have a baby so that he could devote much less of his time to more attention to the newborn.

D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls D-J-Qualls


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